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Pedane allargate....


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Siccome io con l'inglese non sono proprio un drago, diciamo che me la cavo, ma in queste cose temo sempre di fare una cagata posso unirmi a qualcuno di voi che vuole ordinarle dividento le spese e naturalmente anticipando il pagamentoe, poi pagando la succesiva spedizione per inviarmele? .

Modificato da Miky
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.............bravo gomez , ho già fatto la domanda anch'io e nessuno mi ha risposto !

Poi pare che ci sia compatibilità con xr600 ma nessuno me l'ha confermato.

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scusate non ho capito una cosa: le pedane in oggetto vanno bene anche per la RD03?


Onestamente, non so, prova a comparare le tue con quelle di una RD07, se sono uguali......


Appena mi capita una RD03 sottomano butto un occhio. :blink:


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Visto che nessuno mi caga ci provo da solo a comprarle.............come volevasi dimostrare non riesco a farlo :mellow: , dove devo cliccare visto che manca il pulsante compralo subito?

Modificato da Miky
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CIAO MIKY. Senza dover impazzire a farle arrivare dagli states,acquista le touratech dal sito on line,molto ben fatte,comodissime ed un gran grip nella guida in piedi.COSTANO euro 89.00,un pò carucce ma spesi molto bene.

Io le ho da tempo e non hanno confronti !!!!!

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Le ho trovate in inghilterra

e sono le stesse, mi sembra anche lo stesso negozio, gli ho scritto nel mio inglese approssimativo con l'aiuto di un traduttore online per capire se posso pagare con paypal perchè ho solo la postepay.

Quelle della touratech non le ho mai prese perchè sono a mio parere brutte e come dici tu costano troppo, ma il motivo principale è che con quegli spigoli vivi mi fanno "paura", mi è capitato in off di agganciarmi con la gamba e preferisco avere la rotondità per evitare possibili danni fisici.

Grazie della risposta Mauri.

Vediamo se riesco a prenderle.

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Ok le pedane sono quelle!

Oggi ne ho ordinate altre due paia per due amici africani, prese sempre in USA al prezzo di € 20,94 al paio comprese spese di spedizione.


Per il montaggio vi avverto che è necessario lavorare un pò con il flessibile: in pratica se inserite il perno che incerniera la pedana al telaio e mettete la rondella sottostante, vedrete che il foro del perno in cui va inserita la copiglia è leggermente ostruito dalla rondella stessa!In pratica ci vorrebbe un perno mezzo millimetro più lungo !

Per risolvere basta svasare un pochino la parte superiore del foro che sta sulla pedana dove va il perno e, magari, anche il foro sottostante dove va la rondella.

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Visto che nessuno mi caga ci provo da solo a comprarle.............come volevasi dimostrare non riesco a farlo :mellow: , dove devo cliccare visto che manca il pulsante compralo subito?


Io le ho prese, sono molto belle, tant'è che ne ho ordinate due paia per mio fratello ed un'altro mio amico.... pochi soldi spesi molto bene :)



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Scusate ma queste, se funzionano come dicono, superano di gran lunga qualsiasi pedana:

domani vado a togliermi un rene...LE VOGLIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :lol:


Le ho viste anche io ... :blink:


E le vendono pure per parecchie altre maxi-enduro ... :huh:


Ma ci sara' da fidarsi ? Ti tanno fiducia pedane che si inclinano di 20 gradi ?


... mmm ... <_<

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Ma ci sara' da fidarsi ? Ti tanno fiducia pedane che si inclinano di 20 gradi ?


Spero che prima di commercializzarle le abbiano testate :blink: si dai, la touratech è una ditta seria, sicuramente avranno fatto tutte le dovute prove!!!

Come meccanismo sembra veramente interessante...magari mi sbaglio e nell'utiizzo pratico potrebbe non avere niente di più delle tradizionali...fatto sta che costano tantino :o

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Ciao a tuc....... per chi è interessato a modificare le pedane della nosta mitica moto, può contattarmi con mess. priv. oppure, il costo non è eccessivo, quì sotto troverete le foto di come diventerebbero,..... il colore oro è solo di prova :D:D:D


Purtroppo la modifica viene eseguita su le vostre pedane, se interessati dovete spedirmi le vostre.... :blush:


ciao, purtroppo non riesco a a vedere le foto potresti mandaremele via mail?


questo è l' indirizzo:

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  • 4 weeks later...
..forse sono -10...0...+10 gradi, insomma davvero poco!


Ciao Talino ! :)


Credo tu abbia ragione, devono essere -10 e +10 ... cosi' a occhio ...

Ho trovato anche il sito dove si vede il movimento ...


Chissa' come andranno veramente ... :EmpPack3_77:

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  • 1 month later...


Molto interessanti!

Riporto qualche impressione trovata on-line:

"Member Review




I tested Pivot Pegz on the XR650R today. This is a new model for Pivot Pegz and I thought I’ve give em a try. For those who haven’t seen them, they are aftermarket foot pegs which can pivot forward and backward 20 degrees in each direction. The are gaining popularity in the motocross world and they just came out for the Honda XR650R, a popular bike for desert riders and racers, especially in Baja. (although the BRP is commonplace all over the world for a variety of terrain and ridding conditions)


The installation took about five minutes and the packaging came with replacement cotter pins however you use Pivot Pegs with your OEM pins. I replaced a set of IMS Pro Pegs which I’ve been racing with.


The Pivot Pegz were comparable in size to the IMS pegs but because of the pivoting mechanism, the Pivot Pegz actually extended a little further out from the bike, thus giving more surface area under the boot than other pegs. However, not all of that surface area pivots under the boot. The part of the peg (closest to the bike’s frame) which did not pivot did not restrict the traction or grip of the boot in a noticeable way.


I sat on the bike and rocked back and forth and it seemed a little weird but once I started riding I began to get used to them. I tested them for a few hours today in winding mountainous trails in San Diego County. The terrain was limited to winding trails and some more difficult granite boulder crawling.


They work well to keep the boot stationary (as the manufacturer claims) and there is an advantage to keeping both the forward and trailing edge of the foot peg under the boot. The manufacture claims that Pivot Pegz will aid in relieving and/or reducing fatigue in the whoops…


Whoops, I forgot to test them while blitzing through the whoops. But I can already see how they would work well with the bike rocking back and forth and bouncing up and down in all kinds of terrain. (another report will follow)


The upside I already found for the XR650R was that they helped me to get my weight forward over the handlebars and without feeling like I was on my tip toes. Most desert terrain is ridden at higher speeds in the 3rd, 4th and 5th gears, keeping your weight forward and riding on the balls of your feet (without ready access to the foot controls). I found Pivot Pegz to be a real improvement over standard pegs in this position.


Ying and Yang:

With every upside there is usually some kind of trade-off and I found this early on with the Pivot Pegz. When riding the winding mountainous terrain after all the rain we’ve had, I was using the rear brake and gear shifter more so than is normal in the Baja desert. So when the pegz were under the arch of my foot, I found it took some getting used to finding reference to the rear brake lever. This is the only trade-off I found because I missed the brake lever a few times. It will take some getting used to and I will continue to ride with these pegs and will test them at another popular SD spot were I can get a long run at some real whoops at higher speeds.


For now, I give Pivot Pegz a 9 on a scale of 1-10 (1=don’t buy them; 10=buy them before your next ride)


Once I’ve had a real run at the whoops I may upgrade the product rating. Standby for a follow-up report."

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Dimenticavo..le info le ho trovate su Thumpertalk...e ancora:

"Product test-take 2- Pivot Pegz are an irreplacable aftermarket add-on



After a half dozen rides on Pivot Pegz for my Honda XR650R, I am sworn to the quality of this innovative product...Its amazing tha they've been around for years and I spent a whole season in SCORE Baja without them.


I was told (prior to trying them) that Pivot Pegz are something you get used to and that you don't even notice them after a while...Blitzing the whoops, I could hardly notice the difference.


That is, until I went back to riding conventional pegs...I switched bikes in the middle of a 2 hour ride, getting onto a CRF450X race bike with aftermarket pegs and a CRF 250X with stock pegs...I noticed the difference before getting out of first gear.


I ran them in every possible setting: Tight, technical singetrack, fast fire roads, blitzing whoops and long distance Baja.


They are for me and I'm never going back...I love them and fully realized this after riding a few other bikes...Nothing against IMS or any other pegs, It's just that Pivot Pegz make sense for everyone.


It hadn't occurred to me that they actually wear less on riders' boots. But after being told that the manufacturer streeses this point, it makes sense.


If you can afford $500.00 for a steering dampener, you better be able to afford the $149 USD for the Pivot Pegz. They are equally important to fitting a bike for off road.


A perfect ten!!!

(or 5 for 5 on Thumpertalk's scale-on value, quality and performance)"

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...e ancora:

"I received my pivot pegz a few months ago as soon as they were available for the XR. Supposedly I was the first in the U.S. to receive this model. Marty (U.S. importer for pivot pegz) at brap off-road was very helpful.


I was finally able to take them out for the first time yesterday.


While installing, I noticed that they stick out quite a bit more than the after-market (tusk) pegs that they were replacing. 5/8" more by my measurement.


On the left is a tusk peg, On the right a pivot peg.



When I hugged the bike like I had to with the stock and common after market pegs, about 1/2" would stick out past my boot and the inside of my boot would be resting on the corner of a cube shape which is the mount/pivot mechanism.. While riding, I got comfortable and re-checked to find only the very end showing, so they are probably a bit wider than they should be. One result of this was that I missed the shifter a few times. Bending the shifter out a bit fixed the problem. I did not have any problem with the rear brake lever for some reason. Another issue with the extra width is... the extra width. I rode some very tight trails and the pegs rubbed often.


These pics show how I ended up riding most of the time.


--notice the bit beyond the boot.



--With the tusk pegs, my boot would be tight against the bike.


As for performance while riding, other than the aforementioned width, they were great! It was almost as though there was a bit of extra suspension smoothing out the smaller bumps. I tested the durability a few times on a few rocks and spills and had absolutely no issues. These things are tough!



+made ride smoother.

+seem to be durable so far

+promise of less wear to sole of boot

+large platform



-must ride with more than 1" wider stance to take advantage of intended support area.



+- may seem bit expensive, but not so much if you consider the extra design and manufacturing required.

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Ho incollato i pareri e non i link xche' chi non e' iscritto non li puo' vedere...cosi' ho pensato di fare un favore a chi non lo e'!



"I now have several rides on these and have tipped over on and hit many rocks. They have not shown any weakness yet!


I would like them to be a bit (not much) narrower as both have scraped rocks on either side, but that is only on a couple of extremely tight trails obviously.


The wider pegs do, however, allow the bike to move side to side while allowing you to remain in the most advantageous stance. Very helpfull while on the trails....think trials riding, but might be a hindrance while on the track because it will be harder to "hug" the bike.


Maybe the pics will show up this time too



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questi i modelli x le honda, che dovreste trovare a questo link:


Comunque da quanto leggevo su Thumpertalk, i gradi dovrebbero essere + e - 20...



Honda 2002-2007 CR 125-250 PP-04MK2

Honda 2002-2008 CRF & CRFX 250-450 PP-04MK2

Honda 2006-2008 CRF 150R PP-04MK2

Honda 2005-2008 CRF 50F-70F-80F-150F-230F PP-32MK2

Honda 1996-2007 CR 80-85 PP-18MK2

Honda 1995-2002 CR 500 PP-14MK2

Honda 1995-1999 CR 125-250 PP-14MK2

Honda 1996-2005 XR 250R-400R PP-18MK2

Honda 1988-2000 XR 600R PP-18MK2

Honda 2000-2007 XR 650R PP-18MK2

Honda 1988-1989 Africa Twin RD03 XRV 650 PP-18MK2 (NEW)

Honda 1990-1992 Africa Twin RD04 XRV 750 PP-18MK2

Honda 1993-1995 Africa Twin RD07 XRV 750 PP-18MK2

Honda 1996-2002 Africa Twin RD07A XRV 750 PP-18MK2

Honda 2000-2007 TransAlp XL650V PP-38MK2 (NEW)


Honda 1987-1999 TransAlp XL600V PP-18MK2 (NEW)

Honda 1992-1996 TransAlp XL400V PP-18MK2 (NEW)

Honda 2008 TransAlp XL700V PP-38MK2 (NEW)

Honda 1999-2008 Varadero 125 PP-38MK2 (NEW)

Honda 1999-2008 Varadero 1000 PP-40MK2 (NEW)

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